Chat GPT 4 Turbo - what's changing in the popular tool

Chat GPT 4 Turbo is the next version of OpenAI's generative artificial intelligence model that has revolutionized many industries, including online marketing and e-commerce. The GPT 4 Turbo version is even more efficient than the previous version and also much cheaper to use. Read our article to learn how to use Chat GPT 4 Turbo to revolutionize your company's marketing!

New GPT 4 Turbo Chat options
The news in Chat GPT 4 Turbo does not end only with its better performance and lower token price. Changes in the latest model also include:

128K popup,
a new Assistants API that makes it easier for developers to build their own AI apps,
New multimodal platform capabilities including vision, imaging (DALL-E 3) and text-to-speech (TTS).
Development of Chat GPT 4 on Turbo version
The comparison of Chat GPT 4 and Chat GPT 4 Turbo is very favorable for the new version of the model. GPT 4 Turbo performs much better, for example, in tasks that require exact adherence to given instructions, such as generating responses in a specific format, e.g. XML file. Chat GPT 4 Turbo also supports the new JSON mode, which ensures that the model matches valid code in the JSON structure.


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GPT-4 Turbo can accept images as input to the Chat Completions API, allowing for example:

generating signatures,
detailed analysis of real images,
reading documents with numbers.
An example of the use of this solution is the BeMyEyes application, which uses this technology to help people who are blind or visually impaired with everyday tasks such as product identification or store navigation.

The above news in Chat GPT 4 Turbo proves that the future of artificial intelligence promises to be truly impressive and we currently only have a preview of what lies ahead.

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Chat GPT 4 Turbo application in e-commerce
In today's dynamic e-commerce world, online marketing and customer service play a key role in implementing effective business strategies. With the advancement of artificial intelligence technology, tools like Chat GPT 4 Turbo are becoming an invaluable support for businesses operating in the e-commerce sector.


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